Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Outdoor Ground Mounted Banner Stand (GMS) Has a New Size Feature!

Bank and credit union drive-throughs have been around for decades and most bankers will tell you that drive-throughs continue to be their customers’ preferred method for on-site transactions. Much like with the fast food industry, customers would rather wait in their cars. So, while they’re waiting…
Our popular specialty banner stand, the Messenger® GMS, can provide important information about bank services. And now, banks have the option to alternate banner lengths from 48” to 72”, as they please. The new standard Messenger® GMS will accommodate either of those sizes simply by moving the bottom bar up or down. 

Why is this good idea?  Well, sometimes we have more to say than other times. Sometimes the message is short and sweet like, “Thank you for
choosing Fifth Financial”. And, sometimes, we want to include more information about new services for example, along with images. Also, a 48” banner is a bit less expensive than a 72” banner.

Of course, this new feature isn’t just for the financial industry. Shopping centers, automobile dealers and service stations, drive-through lanes for restaurants and many others can now take advantage of the new banner size option. By the way, the "GMS" stands for Ground Mount System and widths of stands can be ordered to fit 16", 18", 20", 22" or 24" banners.

Thank you for your interest in Consort products! Please contact your sales representative for more information.

Roger Lepley

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